Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building

Institutional Strengthening of Municipal, Metropolitan, and National Institutions

This component provided technical assistance (TA) to municipal, metropolitan, and national institutions including the promotion of private sector initiatives. It also supported the development of social account-ability mechanisms aimed at applying pressure on those responsible for the services to ensure they are properly operated and maintained. Therefore, this component was essential to ensuring the provision of sanitation and water services and especially their sus-trainability. Interventions included both infrastructure and the development of local service providers and oversight mechanisms. This Component also included the development and implementation of a hygiene and sanitation behavior change campaign targeted at low-income households, and a major learning and dissemination effort aimed at informing a large-scale institutionalized approach to upgrading sanitation in low income communities.


  GAMA Sanitation and Water Project Brief

Other Components

Provision of Environmental Sanitation and Water Supply
Improvement of Water Distribution
Expansion of GAMA-Wide Sanitation Services