Project Components – Water

Water projects are categorised based on the water-related objectives of the GAMA SWP

Provision of Water Supply Services to priority low-income areas of the GAMA

This is about increasing access to water supply services in low-income areas of the GAMA.

Projects in pictures / Reports / Dataset 

Improvement and Expansion of the Water Distribution Network in the GAMA

This is about improving and expanding the water distribution network in order to provide piped water to the targeted people living in low-income communities in the GAMA. This component covers the acquisition and installation of water meters and other equipment, as well as the provision of services, aimed at improving water demand management and reducing non-revenue water.

Projects in pictures / Reports / Dataset 

Institutional Strengthening of Municipal, Metropolitan, and National Institutions

This is about strengthening water-related institutions of the GAMA (aside from sanitation-related ones).

Projects in pictures / Reports / Dataset 

Project Components – Sanitation