Ghana launches corona life TV series campaign

The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project the Sanitation and Water Resources Ministry in collaboration InGenius Africa and Graphic Communication Group have embarked on a Television series dubbed corona life aimed at creating an attitudinal change among the populace, in an effort to reduce covid-19 pandemic.

The series which aims at attitudinal change which would be on the television, radio and social media would also sensitize the public on improved sanitation, good hygiene and observing the recommended Ghana Health Service protocols on COVID-19.

The educational series is also designed to attract the needed attention of the masses purposely in the local Ghanaian languages with known actors and actress Micky Osei Berko and Gloria Sarfo.

The Project Coordinator of the GAMA Sanitation and Water Project, George Asiedu in an interview on Ahotor92.3 fm bemoaned the lack of attitudinal change that is needed to reduce the covid-19 pandemic.

Noting the various efforts the President has had to embark on to reduce the spread of the infection, the attitudes of the citizens have become a challenge.

Citing the closure of the country’s borders, 21 days of partial lockdown of some major cities, the supply of Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs), enhanced contact tracing of people who have had contact with infected ones, and the mass testing, coupled with the setting up of isolation centres.

He also cited the supply of essential drugs to support the infected ones and the implementation of social interventions and support services.

According to Ing. Asiedu, there is a close link between the pandemic and sanitation which are both public health issues.

To that end, GAMA since 2014 with the support of the World band increased  access to improved sanitation and water supply targeting mainly the vulnerable and the low-income people in Greater Accra, which has increased sanitation and hygiene among the recipient communities.

The GAMA project, he said has improved behavior change on good hygiene improved sanitation and  safe water to over four hundred thousand people (400,00) in GAMA and supported two hundred and twenty-five thousand (225,000) low income beneficiaries with access to over thirty thousand (30,000) improved household toilets facilities.

In as much as Ghana’s situation appeared much better compared to the global spread of covid-19, Ghana’s infection rate is (0.8) percent compared to (0.16) percent across the world, recovery rate of 84 percent compare to 55.2 percent worldwide and death rate of 0.6 percent compared to 3.9 percent.

Some two hundred and thirty-two thousand (232,000) school children in two hundred and forty-three (243) schools in GAMA through the provision of fit for purpose, disability friendly and gender sensitive school sanitation facilities with adequate water supply and hand washing facilities. The  Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL), he noted has supplied  three hundred and sixty-eight thousand (368,000) low income beneficiaries access water supply through ten thousand and forty (10,040) new household water connections.

Posted in All News, General, Sanitation, Water.

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